Season 1, Episode 6a – Maturation

It’s with more than a little trepidation that we come to the multifarious topic of whisky maturation. With so many components and related subjects that are deserving of attention this discussion was always going to run over many episodes.

In subsequent episodes we will look at the cask and the coopers’ art, warehousing, location & their affects, and the seemingly esoteric chemistry of the oak cask.

But for now we shall limit ourselves to discussing the legal and historic aspects of whisky maturation.

Because the use of casks predates the written history of whisky production the origin of their use is lost to history but we can dissect and analyse the legal requirements of whisky maturation and how these have evolved. Government involvement is never far away from alcohol production and so along with the 1906 Royal commission in to ‘What Is Whisky?’ we also look at the happy accident of Government restrictions ironically helping improve the quality of the drink.

Thanks for listening to Scots Whisky Explorers, we hope you enjoy the podcast!